What’s the first very thing that you do when you arrive at your work station?
First things first, I start my day by drinking my morning coffee and then I start reading and answering my emails.
Tell us 3 things we should know about you?
I love cinema but I can’t watch movies at home as I fall asleep immediately. I don’t have the ability to lie ever. I can’t bully anyone because I always end up by denouncing myself. I love to work in teams with great people.
We don’t want to invade your privacy but… what are your regular hobbies?
When I have free time I always try to spend time with my family & friends; I go to the cinema, I travel and make cakes.
If you were a historic character, which one would you be and why?
I’m terrible at history so I had to ask the audience to help me answering this question. The conclusion: the Aljubarrota Baker Woman. Why? Because she was a strong woman and as I go to the gym I keep that strenght in me.
Which innovation would you be proud to be the author for?
I would be proud of myself if I had created a platform where experienced professionals could help college students so that the students could realize the importance and usability of their colledge knowledge.
Which celebrity would you like to hang out with?
Angelina Jolie because I admire her as a professional and as a person.